If you find any kind of deficiency in this website, then you can give us suggestion so that we can fill it in our website [Diwali Wishes In Marathi]. If we Have added some content that belong to you or your organization by mistake, We are sorry for that. We apologize for that and assure you that this wont be repeated in future. If you are rightful owner of the content used in our Website, Please mail us with your Name, Organization Name, Contact Details, Copyright infringing URL and Copyright Proof (URL or Legal Document) at devwrat4413d@gmail.com
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If you have a copyright strike, please contact us. Apart from this, I want to tell all of you that we have not collected any kind of information from any website in the website, all the information has been collected with great effort, after research and hours of hard work of many colleagues. Wrote the website design and post. Thanks